Beginners II

level A1 - A2

Course Description


This course is the sequence of Beginners I. In this course the student will learn the 1500 most frequently used words in Dutch, so he will be able to follow a conversation rather quick. A lot of attention is spent on: speaking actively , pronunciation and enlarging the vocabulary. Attention for grammar takes place in a natural way: by speaking and writing the student will learn and discover the Dutch grammar. But there is also explicit focus on grammar during the lessons. Self-study is necessary: the lessons are focused on a natural conversation about a whole variety of subjects from Dutch society and daily life. 


from A1 to A2

Study workload

around 6-8 hours a week


The course has 14 lessons of 75 minutes each. The maximum of students is 8.
Classes can be once or twice a week
A room with a flipover or whiteboard is required. After each lesson students will make a test in order to keep track of their progress.


Nederlands voor Buitenlanders Tekstboek: €85,00


Please select your situation:

If you have to pay for your classes yourself, a special rate applies.
This rate applies only for private individuals and is € 76,50 per class (75 minutes). For evening classes (17:00 – 19:00) the rate is € 85,00.
Two people= € 98,00 per class
Three people= € 120,00 per class

Payment can be made for the whole course or in two installments.

The course takes place online or at my location.
If at the office/ in-company is requested: please contact me for a quotation.

8 students: € 3.900,-
1 student: € 2.298,-

Prices are excl. materials.
iplus1 is exempted from VAT
You’ll receive an invoice.

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Reviews by students

I would highly recommend Mignon to anyone who has serious intentions of learning Dutch language.
Thanks to this program I managed to finish successfully my inburgerings exams and my naturalisation process. 
I definitely recommend her Dutch language course to anyone with a serious drive for a fast success. 
Thanks to her teaching approach I have completed the inburgeringsexamen without any mistakes.
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